SYS Technologies has released their latest free network management gadget, dVUE6 Lighthouse. dVUE 6 Lighthouse is a graphical syslog monitor that shows the availability and alarm status of the five most alarmed devices on your network.
dVUE 6 Lighthouse converts syslog security levels into color-coded alarm levels. It pings the devices every 15 seconds and changes the availability indicator from green to red if the device fails to respond, alerting you to a down device.
Archives of all received syslog messages can be retrieved for viewing to provide detailed information about the event that triggered the alarm.
It is available as a Windows Vista sidebar gadget or as executables for Windows Vista or Windows XP desktops. Here is a list of all 6 dVUE Gadgets.
- dVUE1: Web Tender – collects and displays key network and resource indicators to help identify the areas, or multiple areas where slowdown is occurring.
- dVUE2: Speed Trap – detects and displays the speed of service up to 1.5 Mbps (T1 rates).
- dVUE3: Serv’s Up – manages and measures your local or remote server by reporting the number of processor in use, processor speed and system threads.
- dVUE4: QueueVUE – monitors and measures the performance of your Microsoft Exchange Server through user configurable polling intervals and user provided authentication.
- dVUE5: OID Tracker – select any numeric MIB-II SNMP OID for any SNMP enabled device connected to your network to provide specific management data for an SNMP device.
- dVUE6: Lighthouse – is a graphical syslog monitor that shows the availability and alarm status of the five most alarmed devices in your network.
SYS Technologies uses these gadgets to market their DopplerVUE network management solution. To find out more about DopplerVUE and the six free desktop gadgets visit their web site at