Comments on: Dealing With Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
Resources for IT ManagersFri, 18 Apr 2014 14:38:10 +0000hourly1By: Wendy
Thu, 03 May 2012 02:38:49 +0000 you for your response. It has been very helpful. Your suggestions will go far.
]]>By: Sam
Thu, 03 May 2012 00:16:57 +0000 what you describe there is no doubt this is harassment on several levels. Your supervisor should have handled it, but it is disturbing that the head of the department has not addressed the issue. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated in the workplace under any circumstances. I would have suggested that the issue may be addressed and you are not aware of it since disciplinary actions should be private. But since it still continues it sounds like you are being ignored. The only advice I can give you is to follow up with everyone you have brought this issue to and see what they say. If that doesn’t work you may want to seek outside help. What you describe could very well be in violation of federal law. If your school is in a school system consider reaching out to them or local school board members. Another path is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission which is the agency of the federal government responsible for investigating charges of job discrimination relating to race discrimination in workplace. States also have departments that deal with this. Understand you do not have to accept discrimination in the workplace. At some point you will reach someone who will force your school to deal with the issue.
]]>By: Wendy
Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:07:46 +0000 I have a situation at my workplace and would like to see if you have any advice on how to deal with it. I have been an employee of my schoolplace for over 25 years. 9 months ago we hired a new staff member (who has worked for us about 3 years ago and then left) In the last 9 months I have endured non-stop, almost daily harrassment and bullying from this staff member and now another staff member of about 6 years(they have teamed up) i have approached my immediate supervisor several times since it began a month after she started. With no resolution, and not even sure whether she documented them. However I have been documenting. They have received no reprimand or any consequence for their bad behavior. Have been told that I am being ‘targeted’ but i should just ignore it, and not listen to the comments. The one person works in my room everyday, have asked to be transferred to a different room, but was denied. I was ‘allowed’ to have a 2 week respite from my room, but during that time I was placed in a room with the other ‘bully’ and listened to nasty comments about why I was in ‘her’ room. There has been no lessening of the nasty and belittling comments, and I was actually told other staff members that the two have been making comments about my skin colour, as i am caucasian and work in an non-causcasian enviroment. There have been comments about my education, my family, comments about personal issues in my life, undermining me with children, comments on my work etc. I have gone to head of department with documentation of the situation a month ago. “i have had no response since. Now today I have to attend a meeting with ALL staff present to deal with the situation that has now trickled down to other staff members and these staff are being made feel very uncomfortable with how these 2 people talk about me, my work, my family, and my being causcasian.
Can you give me any advice?
]]>By: Sam
Mon, 15 Aug 2011 23:15:37 +0000 start with I would ask to sit down and talk with your manager about the issue that led them to do this. This way you have a clear (hopefully) understanding of what the issue that led to this is. After the meeting document the conversation. If your company has a Human Resources department I would then speak to them about this. If HR is not available to you try talking to the person your manager reports to. This kind of behavior is unacceptable under any circumstances. Clearly this manager lacks vital skills needed to be a manager.
]]>By: LIsa
Fri, 22 Jul 2011 03:23:59 +0000 was my going away parth when the manager shows up and say i have something to give out. she then stated ” i bought candy that reflects the candy, so of you might find it offensive and other won’t well I don’t care” well i dig in my bag and she had put “Airhead” candy in the bag. then she states its because your always forgetting things. Which in fact was the beginning of my job and left my key once, she says this.
what can i do.