The fifth and final step in a 5S System is Sustain. In this step you will instill the self-discipline and culture that will sustain the program. Over time a 5S System may become less effective due to complacency. To sustain a 5S System you must change the culture of employees and sometimes the company. Self-Discipline To instill the self-discipline needed to sustain a 5S System is to get … [Read more...]
5S System Step 4 – The Standardize Step
The fourth step in a 5S System is to Standardize. In this step you will set in place the rules and policies that support the first three steps, Sort, Straighten and Shine. A 5S System will only work if it is followed. To carry out the first three steps you should already have a support system in place. Such as designated areas, proper marking of areas, a log of what goes where and other parts … [Read more...]
5S System Step 3 – The Shine Step
Seiso is the third step in a 5S System. Translated it means to shine or scrub. Now that you have completed the Sort Step and Straighten Step, the workplace should be free of debris and all areas in need of cleaning should be exposed. In this step you will clean the entire work environment. Everything should be cleaned including floors, workspaces, walls and equipment. If any area needs painting … [Read more...]
5S System Step 2 – The Straighten Step
From the Japanese word Seiton we get the next part in the 5S System, the straighten step. Once you have completed the sort step, the workplace should be free from clutter and unnecessary items. Now it is time to straighten everything up and organize it. The goal is to put everything in its place and organize each workstation for maximum efficiency and productivity. Everything Has a Place The … [Read more...]
5S System Step 1 – The Sort Step
From the Japanese word is 'Seiri', the first step in the 5S System is sort. In a 5S System the goal of the sort step is to remove everything from the workplace that is not needed to do the work. You organize what is necessary and dispose of or put in place what is not. With all the clutter removed the workplace will be cleaner and more productive. By this time you have prepared your 5S System … [Read more...]
How to Plan a 5S System Launch
A 5S System is a low-cost system that will clean and organize your workplace. It will increase productivity and raise employee morale. This article that will give you some basic information on how to set up a 5S system in your workplace. One of the keys to the success of a 5S system is to have the full support of the management of your company. While a 5S system is low-cost to set up, it will … [Read more...]
A 5’S System for Your Service Depot
People make improvements in their lives every day. They improve their home, their health, their car and everything around them that can make their life better. Why not apply this same principle in the workplace? Why not improve the environment you work in 40 hours or more a week? Why not setup a system that helps you work smarter, not harder? 5S is a reference to a list of five Japanese words … [Read more...]